Jane Turner
Jane Turner, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent, led the Bureau’s highly successful program combating child sex crimes and crimes against women on Indian Reservations in North Dakotah. After discovering and exposing the FBI’s failures within the child crime program in 1998-1999, Turner was removed from her senior position in retaliation. Turner challenged her retaliation in federal court, fighting the FBI’s retaliation for nearly nine years. In 2007 the jury awarded Turner the maximum compensatory damages permitted under Title VII, the total exceeding $1.5 million. NWC Board Chair, Stephen Kohn, represented Turner as the lead trial attorney.
Kohn also assisted Turner in exposing FBI misconduct at the 9/11 crime scene. She was harshly retaliated against for reporting these concerns to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. Turner spoke at NWC’s National Whistleblower Day celebrations in 2019, 2017, and 2015 honoring the whistleblowers in attendance and sharing her whistleblowing story
Turner is a journalist at Whistleblower Network News, and the host of the Whistleblower of the Week podcast.