Daniel P. Meyer
Daniel P. Meyer is a three-time whistleblower who most recently served as the Executive Director for Intelligence Community Whistleblowing & Source Protection, specializing in national security whistleblower cases. He was removed from his position in March of 2018, a decision that has come under sharp review by Members of Congress. Mr. Meyer is also a decorated naval officer for his service during the Persian Gulf War.
Mr. Meyer first exposed investigative misconduct during the investigation into the explosion onboard the battleship IOWA in 1989 as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy. In the years since, he has also revealed the suppression of whistleblower reports in the case of patient abuse at the Afghan Military Hospital as well as investigative misconduct in the review of spillage in the case of the movie, Zero Dark Thirty.
Learn more:
Whistleblower Guardian for Spies Escorted Out of Intelligence Agency Building
Intelligence Community Whistleblower Ombudsman Fired
See his previous appearances at National Whistleblower Day: