On Thursday, February 20th, the National Whistleblower Center will host a free webinar at 5:30 PM EST called Knowing Your Rights as a Federal Employee: Effectively using the Privacy Act.
Federal employees often face challenging situations when reporting misconduct or blowing the whistle. Due to the sensitive nature of their work, they may be caught between special interest groups, political adversaries, and their job responsibilities.
The Privacy Act of 1974 establishes fair practices for collecting, maintaining, using, and disseminating personal information about individuals held in the records of federal agencies. This legislation was enacted following the Watergate and Counterintelligence Program scandals. The law establishes the right of all American citizens and permanent residents to access government records about themselves and obtain a correction of these records. It places prohibitions on the government concerning the dissemination of information about the requester and places strict record-keeping requirements. The collection or maintenance of most records concerning a requester’s First Amendment activities is strictly prohibited. The law permits requesters to file cases in federal court requiring compliance with the law. Successful litigants can seek compensation for actual damages and payment for attorney fees and costs.
All are welcome to join the National Whistleblower Center Webinar on Thursday, February 20th, at 5:30 PM EST to learn more. This webinar is designed to empower you with the knowledge of your rights and protections.
Information on the Privacy Act is located at https://kkc.com/freedom-of-information-act-resources/
Register using the form below (do not use your work email) or join via Zoom.
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