NWC Joins Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Regarding Attorney General Nominee

Published on January 11, 2019

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Whistleblower Groups Voice Concern Over William Barr’s History of Attacking the False Claims Act

NWC Policy Counsel, Maya Efrati, drafted a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, on behalf of a  broad coalition of whistleblower and good governance advocates, the Make it Safe Coalition, expressing concerns over William Barr’s position on the False Claims Act.

The group of leading whistleblower rights advocacy organizations, which includes the National Whistleblower Center, sent the letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 8, 2019.

NWC Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn told Reuters, “I would hope the Judiciary Committee questions him very aggressively,” Kohn said. “If he does not defend qui tam relators and renounces his previous position he is not fit to be attorney general.”

Read the letter here.

For more information on this issue Read: William Barr called False Claims Act an “abomination”

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