Whistleblower Advocates Oppose Senate Bill

Published on February 10, 2010

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Whistleblower Advocates Oppose Senate Bill

S. 372 repeals existing FBI protections and expands state secrets privilege

Washington, D.C. March 10, 2010.  Prominent national security whistleblowers and advocacy groups issued a letter today urging the Senate to vote against the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009 (S. 372) unless the dangerous national security whistleblower provisions are corrected.  This bill, which is currently being “hotlined” for unanimous consent, repeals existing FBI protections and strengthens the state secrets privilege.

The letter, signed by national security whistleblowers and respected advocates for national security employees, explains in detail the deficiencies in the Senate bill that will harm national security by covering up intelligence failures and civil liberties abuses:

“S. 372 will become known as the Whistleblower Discouragement Act of 2010 if these provisions related to national security and FBI employees are not fixed.  The ability of Inspectors General, Congress and the American public to learn about waste, fraud and abuse in numerous agencies that spend hundreds of billions of dollars will be completely undercut.  Intelligence failures that led to incredible blunders both before and after the 9/11 attacks will be hidden from oversight and scrutiny. Although honest federal employees who desire to inform their government officials of mistakes and abuses will be the first victims of S. 372, the real victim will be the American people.”

March 10, 2010 Letter to Senate Intelligence, Judiciary, and Homeland Security Committee

March 3, 2010 Letter from FBI whistleblower Dr. Fredric Whitehurst

February 19, 2010 Letter from FBI whistleblowers Jane Turner and Sibel Edmonds

For more information on the NWC’s upcoming April 1st conference call training on what journalists need to know to protect whistleblower sources, including national security whistleblowers please click here.

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