Hear from French Assembly Member Ugo Bernalicis!

Watch on July 29 at 2 PM EST

Published on July 27, 2022

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Ugo Bernacilis to Speak at National Whistleblower Day 2022!

WASHINGTON, D.C. | July 27, 2022 —  National Whistleblower Center (“NWC”) is proud to announce that on Friday, July 29, at 2 PM EDT, Ugo Bernalicis, Member of the French Assembly and La France Insoumise, will present his remarks on the state of whistleblower protections in France to kick off the second day of NWC’s three day National Whistleblower Day event.

Ugo Bernalicis was elected to the French National Assembly in 2017 and represents La France Insoumise, a left leaning political party. As a member of the National Assembly, Bernalicis is committed to bettering France’s whistleblower laws. He has proposed numerous improvements which he continues to advocate for. Although it is believed that the EU Directive was modeled on French whistleblower laws, there is still room to improve. In his remarks, Mr. Bernalicis will discuss needed improvements to French whistleblower law and his general support for whistleblowers.

“Ugo Bernalicis is an incredibly brave, driven, and authentic whistleblower champion,” said Siri Nelson, Executive Director at NWC. “It is such a huge honor to have this incredible member of the French Assembly show up for whistleblowers around the world. NWC has worked to bring forth the effective adoption of the European Whistleblower Directive, and there is much hope for success with an ally like Mr. Bernalicis making strides to improve whistleblower protections in France.”

The remarks will air on Friday, July 29, at 2 PM EDT, RSVP today for a watch link.

NWC will include three days of programming, and the best way to stay updated is to RSVP for the event. NWC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and this work is made possible by our generous donors. Please donate to support our annual celebration.

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at info@whistleblowers.org.

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