The Whistleblower Revolution with Heidi Weber: Whistle Visionaries 1778 & today: How whistleblower changed history – with Stephen Kohn

from The Whistleblower Revolution with Heidi Weber

Original Version Listen Here

Published on January 20, 2020

The Whistleblower Revolution with Heidi Weber: Whistle Visionaries 1778 & today: How whistleblower changed history – with Stephen Kohn

Whistleblowers are woven into the very fabric of the United States. The founding fathers wanted to insure that our country was built upon values and standards, such as liberty, freedom, ethics, and hard work, but most of all, they worked (and risked a lot in the midst of fighting a war), to insure that we would have a country where truth and justice……were the American Way (of life). Our guest today, shares that vision. His influence, drive and passion for whistleblower justice have saved countless citizens, educated generations of students, and led to landmark legal change. Here to share and discuss those first whistleblowers and how they still influence us today, is Steven Kohn, a respected pioneer whistleblower attorney and leader/founder of the National Whistleblower Center in Washington DC. Mr. Kohn has shaped whistleblower law and policy for over 30 years.

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