Survey Results of Major Presidential Candidates

Published on May 25, 2007

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Survey Results of Major Presidential Candidates

Washington, D.C. May 25, 2007.  As part of its voter education program, the National Whistleblowers Center has requested that each major Presidential candidate respond to a six question survey setting forth their position on whistleblower protections.  The questions seek to clarify the candidates’ position on the key legislative and appointment issues the candidate would face if she or he were elected.

The survey responses are linked here.

Currently, Senator Barack Obama and former Senator Mike Gravel fully responded to the questionnaire, and indicated their unqualified support for the six major whistleblower issues identified in the survey.

Former Senator John Edwards and Congressman Tom Tancredo issued general statements in support of whistleblower protections, but did not specifically commit to the six issues set forth in the survey.

Congressman Tancredo responded to the Survey Question Number 1, which indicated the candidate’s support for H.R. 985, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, which passed the House by a 331-94 vote.  Although Congressman Tancredo stated his support for H.R. 985, he was one of only 94 House members to vote against the bill.  “We hope that Congressman Tancredo’s change of position on H.R. 985 is an indication that other members of Congress who voted against that legislation are having second thoughts and will, in the future, join in fully supporting whistleblowers,” Kohn said.

“All major Presidential candidates should go on record regarding their position on whistleblower rights.   The voters have a right to know where the candidates stand on this vital issue,” said Stephen M. Kohn, the President of the National Whistleblowers Center.

The Center is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse any candidate.

The candidates have been asked to respond by June 7, 2007.  The full results of the survey will be released on that date.

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