Senator Grassley Urges FBI To Discipline Agents Found Guilty Of Retaliating Against Jane Turner

Published on February 27, 2007

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Senator Grassley Urges FBI To Discipline Agents Found Guilty Of Retaliating Against Jane Turner

Senator’s Letter Follows Up on Unanimous Jury Verdict

Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 27, 2007.  Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released a letter today urging FBI Director Robert Mueller to discipline the supervisors responsible for retaliating against former FBI Special Agent Jane Turner.

In a statement released today, Senator Grassley stated:

“The high standards of the FBI do not allow for anything less than the truth.  It’s time for the supervisors who retaliated against Jane Turner, and other whistleblowers for that matter, to be held accountable.  This jury verdict is vindication for Agent Turner.  She had the courage to stand up alone, in the face of resistance, and say what happened was wrong.”

On February 5, 2007 a federal court jury unanimously held that the FBI illegally retaliated against Jane Turner, a 25-year veteran FBI agent, and awarded her $565,000.00 in damages.

Among the FBI officials who participated in the retaliatory actions against Ms. Turner were James Burrus, the current Assistant Director of the FBI’s Criminal Division and James Casey, a high level “Section Chief” in the FBI’s counterintelligence program.

Stephen M. Kohn, one of Jane Turner’s attorneys, and the President of the National Whistleblowers Center, issued the following statement:  “The FBI has refused to reform itself.  We hope that aggressive oversight by Congress can put an end to the retaliatory culture that undermines the FBI’s law enforcement mission.

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