Justice Department inspector slams FBI use of Patriot Act provision Lara Jordan Associated Press, Friday, March 9, 2007
Official Alerted FBI to Rules Abuse 2 Years Ago By Edmund L. Andrews NY Times, March 19, 2007
House Overwhelmingly Approves Whistleblower Enhancement Act Senate Action Needed to Finish the Job Washington, D,C. – March 14, 2007. Today, by a vote of 331 to 94, The House of Representatives passed the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (H.R. 985). The Enhancement Act is the first major reform of federal whistleblower laws in 18 years, and cures numerous […]
Frequent Errors in FBI’s Secret Records Request By John Solomon and Barton Gellman Washington Post, March 9, 2007; A01
Lawmakers Vow Hearings on FBI Errors By John Solomon and William Branigin Washington Post, March 9, 2007
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