Published on May 24, 2022

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NWC’s Stephen Kohn to be Featured in UK Panels Discussing Global Whistleblower Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C. | May 24, 2022 — National Whistleblower Center is proud to announce that this week, NWC’s Board Chairman, Stephen M. Kohn, will participate in two separate panels in London where he will discuss whistleblower issues in the United States and United Kingdom. The events will occur on in a hybrid format on Wednesday May 25 at 2 PM BST / 9 AM EST and in person on Thursday, May 26 at 8 AM BST.

The first event, Realising the Potential of Whistleblowers, will bring together leading whistleblower groups from both sides of the Atlantic for a free public discussion highlighting whistleblower developments in both  the United States and United Kingdom. The event is cosponsored by NWC, U.K’s 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, and WhistleblowersUK. The event will include conversations with Stephen Kohn and the CEO of WhistleblowersUK and Georgina Halford-Hall, moderated by Barrister, Alexandra Sidossis, of 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square.

“U.S. whistleblower laws can be applied to frauds committed in the U.K.,” said Kohn, in a statement published by Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, LLP, “I’m looking forward to working with attorneys and NGOs in the U.K. interested in using these highly effective laws to fight corruption.”

The free event is open to everyone and will take place on Wednesday, May 25th at 2 PM BST or 9 AM EST and will be conducted both in-person and online via Zoom. To register for the event, click here.

WhistleblowersUK is a leader in UK whistleblower advocacy, and CEO Georgina Halford-Hall was moderated in NWC’s National Whistleblower Appreciation Day 2021 panel on whistleblowing the United Kingdom.

The second event, the ACi Banking Investigators Forum, is hosted by the Association of Corporate Investigators and will focus on issues relevant to conducting banking investigations, including whistleblower complaints. Stephen Kohn will be the first speaker featured at the event during an interview with organized Steven Young. Kohn has a unique insight into what motivates bank employees to blow the whistle and will give his thoughts on the banks’ internal whistleblowing investigations.

The in-person event will take place on Thursday, May 26th with a reception beginning at 8:00 AM BST and discussions beginning at 9:00 AM BST. The event is limited to banking professionals and tickets are available here.

Both events will bring attention to important whistleblower issues as well as the value of whistleblowers in combatting corruption. To learn more about whistleblower issues in the U.K., please watch these remarks from Baroness Susan Kramer, first aired during NWC’s 2021 National Whistleblower Appreciation Day event. NWC works hard to champion whistleblowers around the world, and will dedicate Friday, July 29, to highlighting the contributions and experiences of whistleblowers from around the world as part of our National Whistleblower Day Celebration. Please RSVP here for updates, and donate today to support our whistleblower celebration.

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at

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