NWC Urges Federal Agencies to Recognize National Whistleblower Day in 2023

Published on February 09, 2023

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NWC Urges Federal Agencies to Recognize National Whistleblower Day in 2023

 WASHINGTON, D.C. | February 9, 2023 – On February 9th, 2023, National Whistleblower Center (NWC) sent letters to Federal Agency heads urging them to recognize National Whistleblower Appreciation Day and asked each agency to provide information about their plans to support whistleblowers this year.

This is the third time National Whistleblower Center has called on Agency leaders to recognize National Whistleblower Day and since first calling for this action in 2021, NWC has seen a steady increase in positive responses. In 2022, nearly a dozen agencies took action to educate federal employees about their rights and to celebrate whistleblowers in July and August as part of their National Whistleblower Appreciation Day commemorations.

The United States Senate has unanimously recognized July 30th as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day since 2013, marking the anniversary of the passing of the first U.S. whistleblower law by Congress in 1778. The Senate resolution requires executive agencies to recognize National Whistleblower Appreciation Day by informing employees, contractors, and members of the public about the legal right of each United States citizen to “blow the whistle.” Agencies must also acknowledge whistleblowers’ contributions to combating fraud; abuses of authority; threats to the environment, public health, and safety; and other violations of law. NWC strives for the permanent enactment of National Whistleblower Day on July 30th.

In its letters, NWC urged federal agencies to expand the tradition of honoring whistleblowers and offered its support and assistance in agencies’ efforts to celebrate National Whistleblower Appreciation Day, including by providing educational materials and promoting events.

“This year marks an incredible decade of recognizing whistleblowers, and it is critical now that agencies continue to raise awareness about this important issue.” Said Nelson, “integrity at government agencies is needed now more than ever – as we unfortunately were reminded of recently, even FBI agents are not immune from lure of corruption.”

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at info@whistleblowers.org.

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