Department of Justice hosts Insightful Presentation to Foreign Delegation on Whistleblower Programs by NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson

Published on May 11, 2023

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NWC Presents to DOJ Delegation from Estonia.

WASHINGTON, D.C. | May 10, 2023 — Executive Director at National Whistleblower Center, Siri Nelson, provided a comprehensive presentation on U.S. whistleblower programs and transnational anti-corruption strategies to Estonian prosecutors and financial investigators at the Department of Justice’s Office of Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (OPDAT) in Washington D.C. The study tour titled, “Money Laundering Investigations: Suppressing Organized Crime and Kleptocracy”, was held on April 23 to 28, 2023, and included a NWC presentation, which aimed to inform the delegation on how these programs operate in the United States and can be applied in Estonia.

The presentation, given by NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson, presented the work done by the NWC and explained the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) whistleblower rewards programs, qui tam and reward laws.

During the presentation, Nelson provided key insights into the importance of whistleblowers in exposing corruption, fraud, and other illegal activities. She discussed the role of the NWC in supporting whistleblowers while advocating for stronger whistleblower protections, including the need for increased incentives and rewards for whistleblowers worldwide.

“National Whistleblower Center celebrates every opportunity to collaborate with the U.S. Government and educate leaders worldwide. The delegation from Estonia was particularly exciting to meet with given Estonia’s critical role in combatting money laundering and corruption throughout Europe,” said Nelson.

Nelson concluded by saying that the “Transposition of the E.U. Whistleblower Directive is on the horizon for Estonia, and it was an honor to discuss the value of whistleblowers with these incredible officials.”

National Whistleblower Center frequently engages in educational efforts with international regulators, prosecutors, and officials. Global whistleblower programs are central to NWC’s mission. Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at

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