NWC Executive Director to Join Tavis Smiley on July 30th

Published on July 28, 2021

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NWC Executive Director to Join Tavis Smiley on July 30th

WASHINGTON, D.C. | July 28, 2021 — Siri Nelson, the National Whistleblower Center (NWC) Executive Director, will join radio host Tavis Smiley on KBLA’s flagship program, “Tavis Smiley,” to discuss whistleblower protections in the United States, around the world, and National Whistleblower Day 2021. The episode will air on Friday, July 30th at 12 PM EDT. You can listen to the show live, here.

“This is such an incredible opportunity to engage with a live audience about the importance of whistleblowers,” said NWC’s Siri Nelson, “I am grateful that I am able to join an amazing show and such an amazing host as Mr. Smiley! I hope those listening to KBLA on Friday morning will tune in and learn something amazing about whistleblowers. To hear even more about whistleblowers, please RSVP for National Whistleblower Day – it’s never too late to join the whistleblower celebration!”

National Whistleblower Day 2021 airs Wednesday, July 28th and runs until Friday, July 30th. Members of the media are encouraged to RSVP for National Whistleblower Day 2021 for updates and a link to join the event.

For more information, please contact Nick Younger at nick.younger@whistleblowers.org.

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