NWC Thanks Congress for AML Law

Published on January 12, 2023

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NWC Delivers Message to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. | January 12, 2023 — Today, National Whistleblower Center sent via email and hand delivered thank you letters to the leading Members and Senators critical to the recent passage of the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act. The visit to Capitol Hill reflects a full embrace of the reopening of U.S. Government buildings in 2023 and recognizes the significance of this important legislative improvement to the FinCEN whistleblower program.

“NWC and our supporters have been fighting for these improvements to the Anti-Money Laundering whistleblower program for two-years.” Said Siri Nelson, Executive Director at National Whistleblower Center. “We are so grateful that our supporters, and the support of Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, LLP, and Whistleblower Network News, were able to garner the support of Senators Grassley and Warnock, and Representatives Adams, DeLauro, and Gonzalez to make this critical improvement a reality. Thanks to these leading legislators, President Biden was able to do the right thing for whistleblowers and set the FinCEN program up for success.”

The letters are an important part of National Whistleblower Center’s efforts to raise awareness about whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is a bi-partisan supported issue that the majority of American’s believe should be a priority for Congress. By passing the AML improvements, Congress showed the American public that they are listening and that is worth celebrating.

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at info@whistleblowers.org.

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