NWC Chairman Highlights Transnational Reach of U.S. Whistleblower Laws in Visit to Mexico

Published on July 14, 2023

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NWC Chairman Highlights Transnational Reach of U.S. Whistleblower Laws in Visit to Mexico

From June 12-15, Stephen M. Kohn, the Board Chair of National Whistleblower Center (NWC)’s Board of Directors, delivered keynote speeches at a series of events in Mexico City and Monterrey. Kohn’s visit, part of NWC’s Americas Project, focused on the ways whistleblowers in Mexico can use U.S. laws to fight corruption in the country.

The Americas Project is an ongoing effort to increase awareness and support the adoption of effective whistleblower protection laws and transnational cooperation throughout the Americas. Kohn’s visit to Mexico was organized in collaboration with University Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec de Monterrey).

“For the past ten years Mexico has failed to implement the recommendation of the OECD that it enact legislation protecting whistleblowers,” Kohn stated. “We look forward to working with the Tec de Monterrey in training compliance officials, whistleblowers, human rights defenders, journalists, and Members of Congress as to the importance of whistleblower protection laws. We will also work to provide detailed information on how Mexican nationals can use U.S. laws, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Anti-Money Laundering laws to effectively combat corruption.”

“NWC’s ongoing collaboration with anti-corruption experts at Tec de Monterrey is critical to our Americas Project.” Said Siri Nelson, Executive Director at NWC, “We are so delighted that Mr. Kohn was able to represent NWC on this critical trip as we continue to pursue avenues for bringing the power of whistleblowing to Mexico and beyond.” 

Since 2021, NWC has partnered with Tec de Monterrey as part of the Americas Project to educate leaders in Mexico, the United States, and beyond. In July 2021, Nelson presented remotely to the university about the value of whistleblowers. In 2022, NWC and Tec de Monterrey collaborated to participate in the IX Summit of the Americas’ working groups on Democratic Governance, Health and Resilience, and Environment.

Global whistleblower programs are central to NWC’s mission. Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at info@whistleblowers.org

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