NWC Applauds Ongoing Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Efforts by State Department

Published on December 14, 2021

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NWC Applauds Ongoing Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Efforts by State Department

WASHINGTON, D.C. | December 14, 2021 — National Whistleblower Center (NWC) applauds the recent visa restrictions, imposed by the U.S Department of State, targeting 8 nationals of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) suspected of involvement in wildlife trafficking networks.

NWC has long been focused on efforts to fight transnational corruption and thwart wildlife trafficking by empowering whistleblowers. In October, NWC launched the Wildlife Whistleblower Pledge, uniting over 1,000 people committed to the advance of wildlife protections. One plank of the pledge, the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act (WCATA), was just reintroduced in the House of Representatives.

Because of the transnational nature of wildlife trafficking, it can be difficult to identify the criminals involved. Establishing stronger whistleblower programs is the best way to ensure whistleblowers with the information and capacity to disrupt trafficking can come forward. Whistleblowers are the best way to ensure the United States can continue to identify and thwart trafficking efforts.

For more information, contact National Whistleblower Center at info@whistleblowers.org.


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