Published on June 03, 2022

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National Whistleblower Center to Participate in IX Summit of The Americas

WASHINGTON, D.C. | June 3, 2022 National Whistleblower Center (NWC) is the leading non-profit dedicated to protecting and rewarding whistleblowers around the world. We assist whistleblowers in finding legal aid, advocate for stronger whistleblower protection laws, and educate the public about whistleblowers’ critical role in protecting democracy and the rule of law. NWC’s work centers on developing innovative approaches and strong partnerships for supporting whistleblowers around the world and empowering them to provide essential information to help fight corruption, protect our environment, and advance human rights.

NWC is deeply committed to thriving transnational anti-corruption efforts and leveraging whistleblower protections to build a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable future throughout the Americas. NWC is participated in three sub-working groups in the South American region. These groups are focused on Democratic Governance, Our Green Future, and Health and Resilience.  Siri Nelson, Executive Director at NWC, will represent NWC at the IX Summit Civil Society Forum and the Dialogue between Civil Society, Social Actors and High-Level Government Representatives in Los Angeles and presenting as part the Summit’s CSO Initiative Fair on Monday June 6.

NWC’s team actively participated in the IX Summit working groups and the experience was transformative.

“Collaborating with civil society organizations throughout South America as part of the upcoming Summit has been an incredibly rewarding experience.” Said Ben Falstein, Former NWC Georgetown Litigation Fellow, “The implementation of robust whistleblower protections has proven to be a powerful mechanism for detecting and deterring corruption and environmental crime. NWC is committed to bringing attention to the importance of these laws during the events of the Summit so that countries throughout the Americas can establish their own whistleblower policies to encourage those with knowledge of wrongdoing to come forward without fear of retribution.”

“Participating in the health and resiliency working group demonstrated how interconnected the world population really is . . . examples include the price-gouging of defective ventilators and the allowing of vaccines to expire.” Said NWC Grant writer and consultant Charlie Vázquez “healthcare corruption puts all of us at risk when trying to contain a contagious virus.”

The Summit’s theme is “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future” and NWC’s initiative Anonymity, Anti-Retaliation, Awards : Whistleblower Rights for Transnational Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere will engage host countries and host organizations in a series of educational seminars in Canada, the insular Caribbean, Meso, and South America to help Civil Society organizations and government officials to understand the value of whistleblowing and the tenets of whistleblower best practices with a view to capacity development.

This series of seminars will create a venue for learning and collaboration around including whistleblower protections into democracy, good governance and rule of law, sustainability, and resiliency building and raising awareness about the availability of international U.S. laws and programs combatting financial corruption and environmental crimes.

‘I am so excited to connect with civil society members and government officials throughout the Americas.’ said NWC’s Executive Director, Siri Nelson, “it has been such an honor to represent NWC around the world. Building on the work NWC representatives were able to do raising awareness in the sub-working groups, I am confident about building relationships throughout the hemisphere that can make a meaningful impact on transnational corruption by increasing whistleblower rights and protections.”

NWC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and this work is made possible by our generous donors. Please donate to support NWC today.

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at

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