March 2020 Newsletter: The new frontier for whistleblowers? Coronavirus.

from NWC's Monthly Newsletters

The letter from NWC Executive Director John Kostyack featured in the National Whistleblower Center's March 2020 newsletter.

Published on March 31, 2020

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March 2020 Newsletter: The new frontier for whistleblowers? Coronavirus.

Hi Friends,

I hope that all of the friends and supporters of the National Whistleblower Center are faring well through these turbulent times. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic challenges each of us in many ways. We need to focus on keeping ourselves and loved ones safe and healthy and at the same time think about the rules and protocols that will limit the virus’s spread and repair the wreckage to public health and the economy.

As we have learned in previous national crises, protection of whistleblowers will be absolutely essential to the success of our collective action. Our nation’s founders enacted our first whistleblower law when, thanks to the whistleblowers of 1777, they learned about the Commodore of the Continental Navy taking advantage of the chaos of the Revolutionary War to engage in corrupt behavior. Likewise, President Lincoln signed one of our nation’s most important whistleblower protection laws, the False Claims Act, during the Civil War to address the rampant defense contracting fraud that was undermining the operations of the Union Army. The National Whistleblower Center will ensure that whistleblowers are similarly encouraged today to step forward and help us ensure that the rules are respected and funds are delivered to those in need.


John Kostyack

Executive Director

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