FBI Whistleblower Reports Theft from Ground Zero: Senators Seek Assurances Against Retaliation

Published on October 08, 2002

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FBI Whistleblower Reports Theft from Ground Zero: Senators Seek Assurances Against Retaliation

Washington, D.C. – Oct. 8, 2002. A FBI Agent has accused bureau investigators of stealing a Tiffany crystal globe from the World Trade Center ruins. Special Agent Jane Turner of the FBI’s Minneapolis office said she turned the globe over to the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office after local FBI officials would not act on her complaint.

The globe was taken from Ground Zero by FBI agents from the Minneapolis field office who were investigating a company for stealing item from the World Trade Center site. The Agents gave it to a secretary in the office, as a souvenir.

Agent Turner decided to blow the whistle after her superiors wouldn’t do anything about her complaint. Her allegation is now under investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.

Senators Charles Grassley and Patrick Leahy, are pressing FBI Director Robert Mueller to promise that there will be not retaliation against Agent Turner. Senator Grassley gave a speech on the floor of the Senate relating Agent Turner’s case to emphasize the importance of the whistleblower protection provisions in the FBI Reform Bill.

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