Current and Former Inspectors Generals to Speak at Whistleblower Conference

National Whistleblower Day 2021

Published on July 28, 2021

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Current and Former Inspectors Generals to Speak at Whistleblower Conference

WASHINGTON, D.C. | July 28, 2021 — Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz, National Security Agency (NSA) IG Robert Storch, and former IG of the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson will all speak on Thursday, July 29th, at National Whistleblower Day 2021. This year’s event will be held as a virtual conference spanning three days from July 28th to July 30th.

IGs play a vital role in government oversight. They investigate whistleblower disclosures on fraud, abuse, and mismanagement within federal agencies.

IG Horowitz has served as the Department of Justice IG since 2012. Currently, he is overseeing the investigation into whether DOJ officials attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. Horowitz also chairs the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC), which oversees the usage of COVID-19 response funds.

IG Storch began his tenure in 2018 and is the first IG at NSA to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

As IG of the Intelligence Community, Atkinson handled the Ukraine whistleblower disclosure and was later removed from his job by then-President Trump over the matter. Upon his removal, Atkinson released a statement urging potential whistleblowers to not be silenced.

The keynote remarks of the event, including speeches by Horowitz, Storch, and Atkinson, will begin at 11 AM EDT on July 29, 2021.

Members of the media are encouraged to RSVP for National Whistleblower Day 2021 for updates and a link to join the event.

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