August 2020 newsletter: Building the pro-whistleblower movement

from NWC's Monthly Newsletters

The letter from NWC Executive Director John Kostyack featured in the National Whistleblower Center's August 2020 newsletter.

Published on August 31, 2020

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August 2020 newsletter: Building the pro-whistleblower movement

Hi Friend,

As the world wrestles with the dual shocks on the Covid-19 pandemic and accelerating climate change, two crises about which experts sounded alarms decades ago, I have been thinking about how each of us can more effectively communicate about risk. NWC recently launched a Climate Risk Disclosure Lab with partners at Duke University because we believe that some corporate leaders, especially those in the fossil fuel industry, are not communicating fairly and accurately about the risks that climate change poses to their companies and the economy as a whole.

But what are the models of effective risk communication? How can whistleblowers and their allies show the best way forward to addressing the risks of climate change, Covid-19 and other societal challenges?  Author Michele Wucker argues persuasively that a balance must be struck between fear and optimism and that solutions (“efficacy”) must be made abundantly clear. NWC and partners are developing solutions to this critical communications challenge.


John Kostyack

Executive Director

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