April 2020 Newsletter: Coronavirus whistleblowers: we hear you

from NWC's Monthly Newsletters

The letter from NWC Executive Director John Kostyack featured in the National Whistleblower Center's April 2020 newsletter.

Published on April 30, 2020

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April 2020 Newsletter: Coronavirus whistleblowers: we hear you

Hi Friend,

As we enter the fifth month of the COVID-19 pandemic and the virus’s wreckage continues to expand, I find it helpful to draw inspiration from people who leave their homes every day, often at great risk, to support their communities, such as:

  • Warehouse workers, postal workers, restaurant and grocery store staff, and others who ensure that food, medicine, and other essential supplies make it to the rest of us
  • Health care workers who care for the sick and dying patients and their families
  • Scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments

At the National Whistleblower Center, we are fortunate that we can provide tangible support for these frontline workers when they encounter corruption and recklessness that prevents them from delivering essential services. We are fighting every day for stronger laws that prohibit retaliation against healthcare workers like Jhonna Porter, who blew the whistle on her hospital when it quietly opened a new floor for COVID-19 patients without first arranging for personal protective equipment, and against federal employees like Eric Bright, who was ousted from his job after complaining about the Administration’s promotion of unproven COVID-19 treatments and cronyism in its awarding of federal contracts.

These heroes need to know that their voices will be heard and that the powerful people held accountable by their whistleblowing cannot retaliate against them and destroy their lives.


John Kostyack

Executive Director

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