20 Million Employees Get Whistleblower Protection

Published on August 14, 2008

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20 Million Employees Get Whistleblower Protection

Washington, D.C. August 14, 2008. Today President Bush signed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. Overwhelming Congressional majorities sent the bipartisan bill to the president’s desk on July 30, after a reaching compromise on several key provisions, including whistleblower protection.

This Legislation is Congress’ response to recent massive consumer product recalls, on everything from lead-laden children’s toys to toxic toothpaste, which had angered Americans and prompted calls for reform.

The law includes whistleblower protections approved as part of the Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform Act (H.R. 4040 and S.2663).

The whistleblower provision of the new law will guarantee protection for over 20 million employees involved in the manufacture, distribution, and sale of consumer goods. This protection ensures that employees have the right to report defective and hazardous consumer goods to their superiors or a regulatory agency, such as the CPSC.

Stephen M. Kohn, the President of the National Whistleblowers Center issued the following statement on behalf of the NWC:

      “This law is a major victory. Today, despite attacks from big business, the interests of American families have prevailed. Finally, employees in the manufacturing industry have the vital whistleblower protections necessary to report hazardous products. Now American regulatory agencies must follow the government’s lead and enforce these critical protections.”

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