David K. Colapinto
A nationally recognized Qui Tam litigator, Colapinto is one of the founders of the National Whistleblower Center and serves as its General Counsel. He specializes in Qui Tam/False Claims Act, Dodd-Frank Act, and IRS whistleblower claims. He was lead counsel for the whistleblower in the qui tam action against Bristol-Myers Squibb, helping to recover more than $500 million for U.S. taxpayers in one of the most important pharmaceutical whistleblower case filed under the False Claims Act. As co-counsel in the Bradley Birkenfeld case, he won the largest ever tax whistleblower award ($104 million). He is the co-author of Whistleblower Law: A Guide to Legal Protections for Corporate Employees.
Read David Colapinto’s full biography. Contact Mr. Colapinto.