NWC Goes to Lithuania for IACC 2024!

Donate today to help NWC attend the International Anticorruption Conference in Vilnius

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Every two years, National Whistleblower Center attends the International Anticorruption Conference (IACC) as part of our global outreach mission. At these conferences, NWC leads panels and workshops to educate the international community on the value of whistleblowers in anticorruption work and advocates for stronger whistleblower protections, rewards, and the use of transnational anticorruption laws. Our presence and impact at these events is integral to our work and vital for whistleblowers around the world. To read about our work and workshop at the last IACC, check out NWC’s Americas Project page here!


IACC 2024 is being held in Vilnius, Lithuania. This year, NWC will speak in multiple panels on whistleblowing, deep sea mining, and more.


In addition, NWC Board Chairman and partner at Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, Stephen Kohn, will be teaching an exclusive workshop “Whistleblower Awards Go Global: How to Use Transnational Anti-Corruption Laws.” To learn more and register your interest, head to the event page here



NWC is sending a two person delegation to attend this seminal conference, but we need your help to get there! Donate today to our IACC 2024 fundraiser to ensure that we can attend IACC and fight for whistleblowers in international anticorruption work!

Thank you for joining us in the fight against corruption!

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