Concepts and Procedures in Whistleblower Law
“There are at least three reasons why every lawyer should buy and read this book. First, Steve Kohn is America’s premier lawyer on whistleblower issues. Second, whistleblower law protects vital freedoms of speech, conscience, and petition–you should read this book to help understand how those freedoms are endangered by big government and corporate America. Third, Steve Kohn knows how to write about the law-he shows you why he has achieved his notable courtroom successes and sets out clearly what every lawyer and every whistleblower needs to know.”
Michael E. Tigar, Professor of Law at American University
“Stephen Kohn’s new book on whistleblowing, Concepts and Procedures in Whistleblower Law, is a masterpiece. The book is an invaluable resource, which clearly and concisely explains the complex maze of regulations and laws governing whistleblowing. Comprehensive, well organized and readable, it is simply the best legal text ever written on the subject.”
Victoria Toensing, Founding Partner of di Genova & Toensing
“Workers who stand up for their co-workers and the public good against lawbreaking employers are among the unsung heroes of our society. Stephen Kohn’s book gives workers, their unions, and their lawyers all the tools they need to make sure that when the whistle is blown, the wrongdoer and not the whistleblower gets punished.”
John J. Sweeney, President of the AFL CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization)
“Stephen Kohn’s new treatise on Whistleblower Protection Law provides a critical resource in a vital area. Whistleblowers help protect us all in countless ways–they expose dangerous environmental conditions, unsafe work practices, consumer rip-offs and fraud on the government. Kohn’s scholarly, yet common-sense treatment of this subject pulls together the existing amalgam of scattered labor and employment laws that protect whistleblowers and give the practitioner a reliable and effective tool for navigating these waters.”
Gerard M Waites, Partner at O’Donoghue & O’Donoghue